The entire Conference will take place at the ESTC – Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema / The Theatre and Film School, which is located at an outskirt of Lisbon called AMADORA.
Address: Avenida Marquês de Pombal, 22 B – 2700-571 Amadora, Portugal
Amadora is roughly 14 km away from the very heart of Lisbon – the downtown area known as Rossio, which has a train station. The station connects Amadora with Lisbon easily (it is approximately a 10-minute ride). Direction SINTRA or MERCES / MELEÇAS

HOW TO GET TO THE SCHOOL from Lisbon, via public transportation
- You can take a taxi or an Uber
(the fare is €15 to €25 average cost; the rush hour affects especially those travelling from Amadora to Lisbon in the morning and the reverse in the evening, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
- You can take the train to the AMADORA Station.
- You can take the Metro (subway) to the AMADORA-ESTE station
(All the main neighborhoods in Lisbon have subway stations)
The train is the cheapest way to get to ESTC. Depending on the time of the day, it can be the fastest way too, due to traffic conditions. From the AMADORA Station, it’s a five-minute walk to ESTC – the conference venue.
The Metro is the least practical way to reach ESTC. There is a Metro Station (AMADORA-ESTE), but that station is located to the east of Amadora and relatively far from ESTC – roughly a 30-minute walk. However, Lisbon’s Airport is connected to the Metro network (AEROPORTO Station). If you are staying at Amadora for the duration of the conference, the Metro is a good way to take you there.
Welcome to ESTC – the Theatre and Film School of the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute!